Arts for All is a 501 c3 non-profit organization committed to bringing a variety of arts (visual arts, writing, dance, drama, music) to people of all ability levels at no cost. Our target populations are those that are at risk, low income or have developmental disabilities.

Arts for All began because of one phone call.
Executive Director Sargianna Wutzke was conversing with a friend about music concerts that her kids had participated in recently. During the conversation, it was discussed how fortunate kids are to have amazing music programs in Bismarck, but it was unfortunate that some kids do not have the access to participate because of cost, lack of transportation, or because they require more one-on-one assistance to participate.
Once she hung up the phone, Sargianna decided she needed to change this because everyone should have access to express themselves creatively through the arts. In November 2018, less than a month after this phone call, Arts for All was started. Visual arts became the first art that was offered at no cost. It was quickly apparent that there was a need for this in the community.
Within one year, Arts for All had over 350 participants attend classes, including visual arts, dance, writing, and music. Arts for All is currently working to expand and offer theater, as well.