Our Partners
We work with a variety of community partners to bring artistic expression to at-risk groups. Learn about them below, and how Arts for All helped make a difference.

"A heart-felt thank you to Arts for All for providing a sensory friendly dance class for children of all different abilities. Children on the autism spectrum often have difficulty expressing themselves or even simply understanding emotions. These dance classes allowed our children to have the opportunity to break out of their shell, if even for a day, and convey emotions in a place where they could just be themselves and have fun. Regardless of a child’s diagnosis, the creative, social and physical opportunities found within a dance class gently challenges any child to express themselves in a way that allows them to thrive."
"Most of our youth have been exposed to traumatic life experiences and they need the therapeutic benefits from being exposed to art. This exposure helps the youth discover and build on their natural talents and interests, as well as, provide them with a positive outlet to release negative emotions.
Despite knowing these benefits, we are not always able to offer “the arts” to the youth we serve because of the cost. Our budget does not always allow for such expenditures. Arts for All offers this art instruction at no cost and we are so grateful because it then allows us to utilize other dollars raised for individualized therapeutic programming.
When we are able to offer arts instruction to our youth it is typically out in the community. Often times, it is difficult for the youth we serve to function in a group setting out in the community. The mere thought of such engagement fills them with anxiety which results in negative behaviors. Arts for All offers its classes in our homes. This is an amazing benefit for our kids. They can experience art instruction while staying in the comfort of our home.
Because of the offerings extended to us by Arts for All, our youth: 1) experience a variety of art mediums, 2) build a sense of accomplishment, 3) improve communication and social skills, and 4) experience enhanced self-esteem.
Thank you, Arts for All, for not only helping the youth we serve but for filling a need in our community."
"The students at Grimsrud Elementary involved in the Arts for All program are loving it. They ask all the time if it could be every day. That’s a true testament of the program and our artist, Mrs. Pickard. With the various age, grade, art backgrounds, etc. she needs to have patience and flexibility. We’re thrilled she has both plus more!
Mrs. Pickard starts the lesson with the whole group keeping them engaged in her words by demonstrating each step, tool, color and idea. She has put them at ease with her kindness. Each student feels they are able to express themselves through their art in their own way. That is simply wonderful.
The lessons have been so engaging! The kids love to have this opportunity to just create. They are thrilled to take the finished projects home to share with family.
Arts for All has been an awesome learning experience for the students involved at Grimsrud."
"The Arts for All program took a risk to offer their services to adults struggling with opioid addiction at Heartview Foundation, even though this was not their original mission. The Opioid Treatment Program patients look forward to art and feel a sense of accomplishment after the sessions. They are empowered to have a say in the projects they work on and are even provided the opportunity to act as the instructor on occasion.
Art provides them the means to slow down their thoughts/emotions, inhabit their creative brains and live in the moment, all things that are important when dealing with trauma and addiction. Melissa (artist) and Tim (volunteer) have been a blessing, accepting our patients where they are at, without judgement. This partnership has been a blessing with a promising future."
"Arts for All is a truly remarkable organization. The volunteers, board members, and directors believe 100% in giving back to the community! They have joined TR 4 Heart and Soul with community events, specialty camps, and summer camps. No matter the occasion the Arts for All has dedicated their day to community. They make sure that every participant gets adequate time and care. They meet the needs of everyone, and we are lucky to have such a great partnership within our community."
"The Youthworks Transitional Living Program was fortunate to have provided a biweekly art group to its clients at no cost through Art for All. The clients that participated in this art group were between the ages of 18-24. All projects that were created were thoroughly demonstrated by the artist and ranged from tie-dying to jewelry-making, to sketching.
The art group gave our clients a sense of belonging and allowed them to connect with their peers through their art and creativity, ultimately enhancing social skills. This group was something that our clients looked forward to and enjoyed. Art is a significant coping mechanism that many of our clients have found helpful at different points in their lives. It allows one to express themselves, and help one get through, and better understand their thoughts and emotions.
Arts for All is also beneficial to Youthworks professionals, as it allows us to learn more about how our clients express themselves through their art."